Week 2 - Another Day, Another Drawing

Hello and welcome back to week 2! Well, there was homework for this week, lets check this out.



Still Life with 2-3 Objects ~20 Minutes

I did end up missing a few details when it came to some of the objects, but what was really jarring was the lack of any surface shawdows. I had totally forgotten about that, so it kind of looks like it’s floating.

I also found it weird and a little hard when it came to adding the shading/shadows on the objects, I felt like it didn’t blend right.

It’s supposed to be a Gameboy Advanced SP next to a cup. 😊

01 - Blind Drawing

10 Minute / Blind

It looks like a scribbly mess, and you can probably guess where I started drawing. I found it quite disorientating when the booklet would lean on my pencil, which would explain why it was so sparatic.

01a - Platforming

3 Minutes Per Pose

Getting back into drawing the model was a little difficult to start with. I think I focused on his feet a little too much in the bottom-left drawing. I wasn’t really sitting at a great place to see his feet, along with the platform, which was our focus this time.

The top-right drawing was placed a little too high, so his head was cut off, but trying to get the perspective of his legs and feet right was a tough task. He wasn’t deep enough into the platform, and the platform itself was a little short as well.

02 - It’s Gesture Time

1 Minute - 45 Seconds Per Pose

Now these gestures got quite rapidfire. In some of them I could feel the energy of the pose which was cool. Drawing the ‘flow’, starting from the most dominant foot (in terms of energy flow), to the tip was very handy.

In some poses, see bottom row, it became quite hard to represent the twists and volume in my gestures. Especially the overlaps present. I should try doing it lighter first.

1 Minute Per Pose

With these gestures, these poses were quite side on from my perspective, so it was somewhat difficult to capture the volume of the body shapes. A few of the guestures had that energy incorporated into them.

03 - Lighten That Line

10 Minutes of Light Lines, 5 Minutes of Lining

This exercise taught me to purpose the lines I put on paper. To allow the expression of depth and volume with the use of thick and thin lines. We had started by lightly drawing the model, then spent 5 minutes adding the detail in the form of lines.

I did notice that some of the lines made the drawing look extra flat in some areas. I still find drawing the hands and other detailed parts of the body, difficult. I also wish to work on different techniques when it comes to using pencils.

04 - Head Studies

7 Minutes Per Pose

It’s quite challenging getting the facial features, since it’s sooooo detailed. Without outlining the featues is quite important, letting the shading add that depth and definition is also a challenge, since weird white patches makes it seem un-natural.

I look forward to more head studies since it does use a lot of technique. Maybe the further away you look, the more it looks like a head. 🤔